In schematic form the story is that God, displeased with the corruption of man finds a righteous man in Noah and tells him to build an ark 300x50x30 cubits (about 450x75x45 feet) with three decks and stock it with all the animals on the earth. The flood comes, everyone dies except Noah and his family, and so forth. After the flood ends and things dry out God makes a covenant with Noah never to do this again and cements it with the rainbow.
The story extends from Genesis Chapter 6 to Chapter 9. There is much support for an ancient flood of epic proportions in the legends of many cultures. Whether these are references to many events or a single cataclysmic event cannot be established. Elements of the account are frankly fantastic and implausible which makes it appear the account was elaborated becoming legendary as it accumulated details in the retelling. It continues to inspire people today and a lively cottage industry exists in recreating the ark, explaining the details, searching Mount Ararat and even Alien Contact.